
my handphone...hehehhee.....bling bling

This is my lastest phone....AND THIS IS CALLED NOTHING TO DO...hehehehehe....

by the way, tomorrow delson outstation to semporna and sat baru come back....pray for his journey thank you.

4 评论:

Lydiaclo 说...

Wah...really nothing to do..wahkakak...just kidding..nice most nicer...u got snoppy theme...yer..i wan ohh..send to me eh...i wan i wan..

匿名 说...

you really know how to enjoy your life.. unlike.. only stress and heavy burden.. hai...

indeed, your phone looks so sophisticated. I bet you really took quite some time to deal with so many tiny little glittering stickers. hehee.....

lissakong 说...

ur phone is what model lydia? hehehe....

to jen, today i will show you...hehehe...

Lydiaclo 说...

my phone sony ericson z610i ohh...